Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ugh -.- not the best

This one is not so good DX.... but I decided to share it anyway...I have way to many animals and inanimate objects so I needed another person on here so...TADA


This was actually brought on by another picture, I know I'm letting my nerd through  a little but oh well, I drew Darth Vader and was just kinda caught up in the moment so I drew Yoda as well :D


K, so here is my next one I am rather proud of this one, there wasn't a challenge to draw this one I just really wanted to draw...something...and this was what I ended up with :D


K so today I am  going to publish a WHOLE bunch of my pics that I have been be prepared lol

Sea Shell

K, so I'm continuing on my "competition" with my friend and this time I was supposed to draw a sea shell so here is my finished product :D